Sunday, June 24, 2007

On Art: Time to Show My Stuff

Hello again friends.
I have been sitting here with Mighty Max napping on my lap and working on some writing. Intermittently, I did some browsing online, and after seeing s few sites on writing and illustrating, decided that if I want to get anywhere as an artist, illustrator, or writer, I need to start getting some opinions on my stuff, right?

I know that I am certainly better at some things mediums than others. The fact is that I cant stand digital art and coloring. For some reason, I adamantly remain "old school" when it comes to the art of creating. I am just guessing, but it seems to me that there is a lot more painstaking skill involved in adding shadow one .005 sized dot at a time, than there is with a sweeping command of pixels on a computer screen. I hope not to ruffle too many feathers with that kind of attitude, because I certainly can admire CG art. It just not my thing. Yet. Maybe someday.

In the meantime here are a few samples of my artwork. Some I am more pleased with than others.

First up is this portrait of Jesus I painted for a guy. It was ten years before I actually got around to doing it, which I am not all that proud of. However, painting is not really my bag, I prefer pencil and/or ink which you will see below.
I took the Jesus image from the a now lost internet source of a guy dressed up like the Lord and Savior. I was looking for inspiration... I mean the whole corpse on a stick thing is not only greusome, but old and overdone. I remember Jesus as a guy who hung out with the working class joe's as well as the scum of society--the theives, the whores, the criminals, and tried to bring them up. He was not, in my opinion the solumn, all business guy portraye in the movies and local Church sermons. He was a kind, generous, and happy Son of God. Thats how I wanted to portray him.
I did want him to have a darker complexion and to appear more "middle eastern" than he does here. After all he did come from Bethlehem, and ended up in the area of Jerusalem much of his life. He was a Middle Eastern man. This is how it turned out. For better or worse. while not satisfied with the painting, I do get a "feel good" sensation with it around.

As a stark contrast to Christ, I hav ethe succubus Lilith here, as she appeared in a H.P. Lovecraft inspired story I wrote several years ago that never went anywhere. The mythological "Mother of all Monsters." She's hot fellas, but she's evil.

My "Little Geisha" came from the inspiration of an old Kodak ad from the mid 1970's. This is an enlargement of the surviving piece.

Finally this is an eastern ribbon snake I have whipped up for a childrens book project I am working on. Hiss... its not quite done yet...


Wanji Sunim said...

Great stuff Craig...I love the Geisha!!! Very nice, I'm impressed!


Anonymous said...

snakes r scarry!!!