Thursday, May 24, 2007

On Buddhism: Is There Room for God? Part I

What is God?
This is a question I will attempt to answer quite bluntly, and so some blanket statements apply.

Answer: the correct answer is...

A word.

Yes. That’s correct; “God” is just a word. Well that’s not entirely true; God is one of these special words that spells another word when you spell it backwards. God is “Dog” in reverse. Before any of you get too upset, bear with me. This is not a pointless jab at another’s faith, but rather a platform for me to demonstrate something that I hope will be quite logical.

Words are how we communicate ideas. So each word has with it, a potentially limitless number of attributes that we as individuals attach to that word. For example, “chocolate” to me means a mouthwatering, bliss-filled experience. To another who may be allergic to the substance, it may mean discomfort, pain, swelling, nausea, or asphyxiation. You see? Each word has meanings given to it by our individual perceptions.

With that in mind, let us examine the attributes that are commonly associated with a Christian/Judaic/Islamic “God.”
1. All powerful
2. All knowing
3. Ever Present
4. Male

Okay. Can we agree on these four things? Just for the sake of argument? If so, then I will continue discussing at a later time how I reconcile the understanding and belief in a Creator God, with my practice of an atheistic philosophy/religion.

Thank you all for your comments and questions. Feel free to pass this blog on to others who may have questions... I can only answer for myself, remember, but I will help where I can.

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